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what caracter mods are you using

I actually lost my mods folder a while after making that screenshot, but some of the notable ones are:
xefsstuff (2 characters, available in the discord pins)
belly (discord)
dasher (I don't even remember - the bitbucket list maybe?)
Detonator (I think this one's on itch)
Fiend (I think it's discord as well, but it might be on itch)
Vagabonds (on itch, has half of the bottom row by itself)

there are a bunch I didn't mention, but again I don't have access to all of them anymore without a lot of digging.


can you give a link to the fiend one i cant fin that, what is the comand to xsefsstuff on ntt

pinged you on discord because it's easier to talk there

btw i cant talk normally on the server because im no verified on neither acounts

welp. pming also works, then, I guess

(1 edit)

não trabalhed

